Friday, 7 June 2013

Pam Hook - SOLO Taxonomy in Rm 8

I attended the Thinking Conference early this year and was inspired to implement many great ideas with my class.
One of these ideas was using SOLO taxonomy to help the students order their thinking.
In Room 8 we use SOLO maps to help the students order information they find or their own ideas to help shape their writing or next steps.
For example: When we started looking at writing animal information reports the students needed to research their information. Instead of just listing all the information they found on the animal they used a Describe map to help them record their ideas and thinking. They were able to write down  characteristic of their chosen animal and explain why this characteristic was important to that animal and it's environment.
This has meant that when they went to write their information reports they had all the information they needed and each paragraph was framed for them.

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