Saturday, 23 March 2013


The theme for ICOT 2013 is Expanding Global Thinking under which there are three strands: Future Survival, Personal Future, and Future Society.

The conference theme: Expanding Global Thinking

The conference will promote cross-discipline involvement in the development of our capacity to think and learn. Speakers will address issues within the overarching theme of “Expanding Global Thinking”:
  • Future Survival—environment, science & technology, health, energy
  • Personal Futures—work & leisure, learning, arts & culture, aging populations
  • Future Society—indigenous development, societal institutions, social equity, evolving economies

These strands will provide a context for the overall focus on thinking. This includes reflective, creative, innovative, critical, analytical and organisational thinking, as well as learning about thinking, developing thinking skills, key paradigm shifts in thinking, understanding how we learn and how to promote lifelong learning, and the implications for education of recent research on the brain.
Delegates will be invited to use a personal lens to engage with these themes, and to join us to discuss, debate, and explore the issues.
Speakers were link

 Margaret Trotter
Caroline Gatherer
Jan Hall
Trish Patten
Steve Ladbrook
Lynnie O'Connor
Bryan Brown
Stacey Harris

This is an opportunity to illustrate during the 2013 year how our learning has impacted on Oaklands School, our teaching practice, our own learning and our next steps from what we learnt. This blog will be shared with the BOT in our November meeting to show the impact of this professional development funded by the BOT.